The Human Touch

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Life is... deeply about the people, isn't it?

Hi Everyone!  We are happy and healthy and hope you are too.

Our last post used many, many words, so we'll keep it down with this post.

The Human Adventure 

Our recent adventure is all about being with people we person.  What?
With the changing Covid-19 landscape and evolving CDC guidelines for reuniting, we (like all) are making gathering decisions based on variables such as vaccination status, risk level, number of households, and location.  Our decisions have led us to many sweet, sweet moments as of late.

Above you see Gen 1 (LuAnn) and Gen 4 (Nova)--the great grands--reuniting.  Enough said.

We'll only be on the porch at Gordon's for a few more visits, so enjoy this 47-degree "cheers," if you will.

Kristine came for art day.  We continued our mono print explorations and enjoyed Thai food.  But first I just drank in the sight of her face, unmasked and in person, for the first time in so long!

Christine joined our kitchen crew for her first annual culinary arts birthday celebration.  She taught us to make biscotti, and she learned to make Darrell's special meat loaf.

Success!  In the pic, she's holding her gift from Darrell.  It says, "Mmmmm + Eat = Meat.  Coincidence?"  

The Welshons fed us a delicious meal at their new digs in Hemet. 

We hadn't seen Barb and Curt in more than a year.  That's a lot to catch up on, regardless of Zoom parties. It felt so good!

We've also had the opportunity to spend time with Nova B, at our house and hers.  Just because there's never enough Nova, here are a few pics.

Who doesn't love a puddle?

If you need a moon on every page, this is the book for you.

Girl's gotta ride.

 More magical humans?  Nova's little sister arrives in a matter of weeks!

Nova, Mama, and (off camera) Little Sis

We feel so grateful for every single hug we are now granted that we again feel the pain for how much distance has separated everyone for so long. 

We hope the human touch is becoming a part of your adventures again, Team D.  If you need us--and if you judge it as safe--we'll drive on over and deliver some serious, grade-A hugs!  

Here's to humans!

The Gateway to Spring

Winter isn't going out gently this year, is it?  Here are some Team D contributions from the cusp of the season.

Wisconsin Sunrise by Meridyth

Colorado Sunrise by Summer

Spring Comes to the Lake, by LuAnn R.

Today's Blooms

Welcome, spring!


  1. Such incredible people, sunrises, and blooms! I would like to sign up for a serious, grade-A hug whenever you have a moment! Prugs! xoxo

  2. We have many openings! Let us know your preference.


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